
finger roll sandwiches

finger roll sandwiches


  1. 8 slices of Dietz & Watson C-Sharp Yellow Cheddar Cheese
  2. 8 slices of Dietz & Watson C-Sharp White Cheddar Cheese
  3. 4 slices of Dietz & Watson Cajun Style Turkey
  4. 4 slices of Dietz & Watson Hot & Honey Chicken
  5. 4 slices of Dietz Buffalo Chicken
  6. 8 slices thin white bread


  1. Using a round cookie cutter, cut:
  2. 24 circles of Dietz & Watson C-Sharp Yellow Cheddar Cheese
  3. 24 circles of Dietz & Watson C-Sharp White Cheddar Cheese
  4. 16 circles of Dietz & Watson Cajun Style Turkey
  5. 16 circles of Dietz & Watson Buffalo Chicken
  6. 16 circles of Dietz & Watson Hot & Honey Chicken
  7. 24 circles of bread, avoiding the crust
  8. Layer each sandwich with 4 slices of cheddar and 4 slices of deli meat to make 12 sandwiches. Alternate between meats and cheeses to make a delicious variety of sandwiches.
  9. Add your favorite Dietz & Watson sauce for some extra flavor!

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the right way.

It’s one thing to talk about how we do things the right way, but the proof is in the taste. So head to your local deli or supermarket and grab some of our classic deli favorites. There’s a flavor for everyone in the fam.

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